Panchgarh Correspondent:
There are six people in 28 vacant positions
Due to shortage of doctors in TetuliaUpazila Health Complex Hospital of Panchgarh, the patients are suffering. As the hospital does not have the necessary doctors, pharmacists are providing outpatient treatment. There are no specialist doctors and medical officers here, so the outpatient department is run by pharmacists. Patients in the hospital’s emergency department are actually sent to other hospitals including the district headquarters.
It is known that an average of 300 to 350 patients in the outpatient department and 50 to 100 patients in the emergency department come for medical care out of which 70 to 80 patients are admitted in the indoor department. Due to the shortage of doctors, most of the patients are sent elsewhere after primary treatment. Only due to the lack of specialist doctors, the health care of this hospital, which is the only hope for the treatment of 1 lakh 60 thousand 90 people in the upazila, has collapsed.
Complaints of patients, if there are only 6 doctors in such a big hospital, how can I get treatment? They are deprived of medical services due to shortage of doctors in hospitals. Forced to see doctors in various diagnostic and clinics. Low income people have to suffer in this. They cannot even afford to see a doctor in the clinic.
According to hospital sources, the upazila health complex was increased from 31 beds to 50 beds in 2005. This hospital has 28 posts including Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer, Medical Officer, Junior Consultant and Assistant Surgeon. But there are 6 people instead of 28 people. Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer along with Junior Consultant (Gyn) are Doctor AfifaJinnatAfi and Dental Surgeon Dr. Anwar Hossain and 3 Medical Officers, one is employed as Resident Medical Officer (Acting). At present, a total of 22 posts of doctors including resident medical officers are vacant. These include Junior Consultant (ENT), Junior Consultant (Surgery), Junior Consultant (Ophthalmology), Junior Consultant (Medicine), Junior Consultant (Orthopedic), Junior Consultant (Cardio), Junior Consultant (Anaesthesia), Junior Consultant (Paediatrics), The posts of Junior Consultant (Sex & Dermatology) and Assistant Surgeon (EMO), Assistant Surgeon (Pathology), Assistant Surgeon (Anaesthesia), MO (Homeo/Ayurvedic) are lying vacant for several years.As a result, 2 Deputy Assistant Community Medical Officers as well as pharmacists have to provide medical services in the emergency department and inter-department. 20 to 25 of the patients who come to the emergency department are admitted to the inter-department. But as there are not enough beds for patients, many admitted patients have to seek treatment from the balcony floor.Many mother and child patients have to suffer to get medical care. Although the hospital has a modern operation theater (OT), it is not possible to provide medical care to many expectant mothers due to lack of gynecologists, anesthetists, surgeons.
However, since Civil Surgeon Dr. MostafaZamanChowdhury joined Panchagarh, he has given hope to the surgical patients of this upazila, including pregnant women. A civil surgeon has been conducting operations every month since last November at TetuliaUpazila Health Complex.
When talking to the current doctors of the hospital, they said that we are struggling to provide medical services due to the shortage of doctors in the health complex in the marginal upazila. Still trying to provide medical care to patients relentlessly. A doctor has joined this. Hopefully this problem will not exist in the future.
Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. ASM Ruhul Amin said, I joined a few days ago. Our 50-bed hospital is struggling to provide the best possible medical care with medical assistants and sub-assistant community medical officers in the emergency and outpatient departments as most of the posts of medical officers are vacant. However, a letter has been given to the higher authorities seeking the appointment of a medical officer in the hospital. However, we are providing medical services sincerely with the manpower we have in the midst of the crisis. Already as a medical officer.FarhanHossain joined the hospital.