After joining the ensemble cast of Housefull 5, Sonam Bajwa is all set to work again with renowned producer Sajid Nadiadwala in Baaghi 4. This marks her second collaboration with the producer after the upcoming Housefull film. The actress is expected to bring her charm and screen presence to these highly anticipated projects, which have already stirred excitement.
The buzz around Baaghi 4 has been building ever since the release of a striking poster featuring Tiger Shroff and Sanjay Dutt. Fans have been eagerly waiting for the announcement of the female lead, and with Sonam Bajwa now confirmed, the pairing with Tiger Shroff is expected to be a highlight of the film. The action-packed franchise, known for its high-energy stunts and gripping storylines, is sure to see the addition of some intense action sequences with Bajwa’s involvement.
Filming for Baaghi 4 Begins
Filming for Baaghi 4 has already begun, and Sonam Bajwa is expected to join the sets soon. The film is directed by A Harsha and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. With Tiger Shroff returning to lead the action-packed film, fans are anticipating an exciting new chapter in the franchise, which is slated to release on 5th September 2025.
Reports: Bollywood Hungama