Bablu Ranjan Biswas, Kushtia: – A banquet was held on the occasion of the 14th founding anniversary of Kushtia Battalion (47 BGB).
A banquet was held on the occasion of the founding anniversary of Kushtia Battalion (47 BGB) in Mirpur Upazila on Sunday afternoon at the Battalion Hallroom. The chief guest at the event was Colonel Maruful Abedin PGOM, Sector Commander of Kushtia Sector.
Principal of Jhenaidah Cadet College Colonel SM Rakib Ibne Rezwan, Commander of 58 BGB Lt. Colonel Shah Md. Azizus Shaheed, Jessore Sector Group Commander Lt. Col. Golam Rabbani, Mirpur 47 BGB Commander Lt. Col. Mahbub Morshed, Chuadanga Border Guard Hospital Commander Lt. Col. Mohammad Jamil Akhter, 6 BGB Commander Lt. Col. Sayeed Mohammad Zahidur Rahman, 2 Field Regiment Artillery Jessore Commander Lt. Col. Mahbubul Alam Sikder, Kushtia Sector Additional Director Major Shafiqul Islam and Assistant Director Major Shamim, Mirpur Upazila Nirbahi Officer Bibi Karimonnesa, and journalists working at Kushtia Press Club, District Press Club and Mirpur Press Club were present.