Akkelpur (Joypurhat) – The police have arrested two drug dealers with 9 kg. 700 grams of ganja in Akkelpur, Joypurhat.
At 4 am (January 26), 2 drug dealers were arrested while transporting drugs from the Tilakpur Bazar rail crossing area of Tilakpur Union of the upazila. A case has been filed in the police station under the Narcotics Control Act in this incident.
According to police sources, under the overall direction of Joypurhat District Superintendent of Police Muhammad Abdul Wahab, the night patrol led by SI Md. Aminul Islam was patrolling the Tilakpur Bazar rail crossing area by setting up a check post under the supervision of Additional Superintendent of Police (Sadar Circle) Md. Arif Hossain. At that time, while crossing the railway crossing with a Raka Enterprise pickup van bearing the registration number Dhaka Metro-No. 23-2672 from Pirganj Upazila of Rangpur district to Natore district, the patrol police, without asking any questions, seized 9 kg. 700 grams of marijuana kept under the feet of the pickup van driver during a search. At that time, the police arrested Md. Abdul Bater Mia (38) and driver Sajedur Rahman (34) who were in the pickup.
The arrested two are Md. Abdul Bater Mia, son of Saheb Mia of Pirganj Upazila of Rangpur district, and Sajedur Rahman, son of Sekender Ali of Nawabganj Upazila of Dinajpur district.
Police Station Officer-in-Charge SI Md. Golam Rabbani said that during a night patrol, two drug dealers were arrested along with ganja worth Tk 310,400 kept in a pickup van in the Tilakpur Bazar rail crossing area. A case has been filed under the Narcotics Control Act in this incident.