Kushtia Correspondent: The traditional pitha festival was held at the Serampur Mojaddediya Dakhil Madrasa in Mirpur, Kushtia. To revive the tradition of Bengali culture, a day-long pitha festival was held in the madrasa premises on Monday in the presence of about 500 students, their guardians and teachers. The program was inaugurated by Maulana Azizul Haque, Superintendent of Serampur Mojaddediya Dakhil Madrasa. Co-Superintendent Shahinul Islam, along with other teachers and staff of the school, were present at the time. The students of the madrasa displayed various types of local pitha at about 20 stalls. The pithas included bhapa, chitai, jhal pitha, puli pitha, patisapta, rose pitha, coconut pitha, dudh chitai, nakshi pitha, jamai pitha and many other delicious pithas. Students participated in the festival with their own pithas. The colorful pithas arranged at the stalls attracted the attention of visitors.
Parents visited the stalls with their children to taste the pithas and learn about new pithas. In this regard, guardian Abdul Quddus said, “This kind of festival brings back the taste of rural pitha in the busy life of the city. Such an event is very important to familiarize our children with Bengali traditions.” A seventh-grade student said, “I have never seen so many types of pitha together before. I am enjoying and eating pitha with my classmates.” A former student said, “The pitha festival is an important initiative to highlight our traditions. There should be more such events.” Later, the madrasa informed that the main purpose of organizing the Pitha festival is to familiarize students with the local culture and remind them of rural traditions. On the occasion of the Pitha festival, the madrasa premises were a gathering of joy and celebration. Such an arrangement by the Serampur Mojaddidiya Dakhil Madrasa to further enrich the culture and tradition of Bengalis is undoubtedly praiseworthy.