Akkelpur – During the month of Ramadan, various problems including price hikes and artificial crises in the market increase. However, this time the Akkelpur Upazila administration is active to control the market in advance. On Saturday (March 1), the upazila administration conducted a monitoring campaign at Akkelpur College Market in Joypurhat.
The administration is keeping a close watch on shops not maintaining price lists, selling food items in an unclean environment and disrupting the overall order of the market, said Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Mosh. Munira Sultana.
Local victims said that many shops still do not have price lists. The prices of daily necessities are increasing every day. There is a wide price difference in the market for fish, meat, oil, spices, open sugar and raw materials. Some traders are trying to create an artificial crisis by increasing the stock of products. Food is being sold in an unclean environment, which is risky for public health.
Although many traders admitted their mistakes during the campaign, some made various ‘excuses’. A chicken seller said, ‘The price list was not there now, but I will put it in front of you now.’ Another said, ‘We are buying products at a higher price ourselves, so we have to sell at a higher price.’
Meanwhile, the local traders’ association has been shaken after the administration’s campaign. Akkelpur College Market Traders’ Association President Kazi Shafi Uddin said that the association will take steps to raise awareness among traders and maintain order in the market.
General buyers have welcomed the administration’s move. A consumer named Sabuj, who came to the market, said, ‘The prices of everything increase unreasonably during Ramadan. This campaign by the administration needs to be regular. One-day campaign will not change anything.’
After conducting the mobile court, Executive Magistrate Md. Munira Sultana said, ‘When Ramadan comes, the tendency to cheat the common people increases. But this time the administration is already prepared. A market inspection shows that there is almost no supply of bottled soybean oil. One or two bottled soybean oil can be seen in one shop. However, there is sufficient supply of open soybean oil. Shopkeepers claim that they are not getting bottled soybean oil supply. Company owners are not supplying it. Besides, the prices of broilers and other chickens have increased slightly.’ He said, ‘This is not a one-day campaign. To ensure that the prices of goods do not go to an unbearable level for the people. For that, market monitoring will continue throughout Ramadan. Every shop is obliged to follow the rules. If anyone does not comply with the law, then not only a fine, but strict action will be taken.’
Chaytanna Chaterjee